At the office, regardless of your mood, you must also demonstrate maturity and professionalism. On the Day of Love and…
There are events in your work day that do not contribute to you, in which you spend valuable time or…
And how did the interview go? That question is often asked by acquaintances, friends or relatives who are applying for a…
In general, it is the company and the employer who put the worker on probation. However, the employee should also test…
Sometimes the presentation in the resume is not enough and some companies prefer to know the candidates in a format…
Colombians without a contract or employment relationship have the opportunity to join the General System of Occupational Risks (SGRL), that is, the…
Work experience is one of the most important parts of the resume. However, some people do not know how it should…
Keep your resume up to date, by doing it only when you want a new job you are losing new…
Having these skills allows the worker to develop in an integral way and make transversal movements in an organization. At…
Not having a job or a fixed income affects emotional and psychological stability. In fact, unemployment is associated with an increased risk…