Signs that indicate that you did well in the job interview

And how did the interview go? That question is often asked by acquaintances, friends or relatives who are applying for a job. It is common to try to reach a conclusion and, although there is no science to prove it, there are signs that speak well of a person’s participation in an interview.

Signs that indicate that you did well in the job interview

Going to the interview filter is one of the most important steps in hiring, since in it you can learn more about the candidate, his skills and the specialty of his profile. Once this filter is met, many candidates may have doubts about how their application was received and whether they have a chance to continue in the process.

According to Michael Kerr, international business speaker and author of “The Humor Advantage, ” “While you can never be sure and you definitely can’t get your hopes up prematurely, there are signs that you may be in for a treat.” news,” he said in an interview with Business Insider.

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If the interviewer shares more details about the vacancy, gives more information about the process, asks a lot of questions about your personal and family life, smiles a lot, if the interview is extended, says what you will have to do and talks about the date of entry to the company, can tell you that you are on the right track.

“By offering more information about what are the expectations of whoever reaches the position and sharing in more detail the tasks and the day-to-day, the interviewer is showing a more complete picture than a match between the profile and the vacant. On some occasions, by not sharing more information than what would be considered basic, the interviewer may have noticed that there is not enough specialization in the candidate to delve into the details of the position,” Rosario Mejía, team leader at, added Hays Columbia.

The first minutes of the interview are decisive so that it develops normally and ends up playing in favor of the candidate.

There are also positive signs “If the interviewer shares the next stages of the process once the ‘formal’ interview is over, such as what the next steps will be, if specific tests will be developed, additional meetings or if there is another interview with someone from the area to the one that is applied to delve into more specific issues”, added Mejía.

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To know that the candidate is the right one and that he fits into the work team, more personal questions can be asked. Quick and direct interviews are often the result of a profile that does not meet the needs of the companies, therefore not much time is spent on it. A more in-depth interview indicates greater interest.

Before answering if the interview went well or not, remember to be prudent and that there are more competitive candidates for the position. In addition, you can evaluate if there was empathy with the interviewer, the treatment that developed during the interview and the way in which the conversation flowed. These signals will allow you to figure out if there was a connection that allows you to move forward in the process.

“Although you should not get carried away by the simple appearance of kindness, in the professional world there are multiple facets and it is important to understand that not all companies and interviews are the same,” Mejía pointed out.