When making the decision to quit the job we currently have, many doubts arise to know how to carry out the process. Here at we speak with Carolina Farfán, a lawyer specializing in labor law and master in strategic leadership, who describes what we must take into account when submitting a resignation and claiming liquidation.
Farfán explains that resigning is an autonomous decision, however, you have to be sure of it and the reasons that led to it, since the law establishes that “the party that unilaterally terminates the employment contract must manifest to the other, at the time of extinction, the cause or reason for that determination. Subsequently, no different grounds or motives can be validly invoked.”
“If the resignation is due to work reasons, that is, the worker found a new job or is going to dedicate himself to another activity, the recommendation is always to be sure that this new job or activity is a fact, otherwise it is a risk if you barely have a mere expectation, “recommends the expert.
How far in advance should I tell my boss that I’m quitting?
In principle, since 2002, the obligation of the worker to give notice of his resignation disappeared in Colombia, that is, to notify the employer of his decision days in advance, which implies that the worker can resign at any time and that does not entail economic or labor consequences, however, and despite the above, According to obviously the reasons that are at the time of resignation, the worker must try to notify his decision a few days in advance, so that in this way his employer prepares and seeks his replacement or trains another person who will occupy the position.
How long can I go for my settlement?
There is no express rule that establishes a term or term to settle and pay the worker’s labor credits at the end of his employment contract, for this reason, unless a term to pay it has been contractually agreed, the liquidation must be canceled at the end of the employment relationship, however, the above is feasible for the parties to agree on a term for payment, but in the absence of such an agreement, the liquidation must be recognized immediately.
How to calculate how much I will have in liquidation?
Remember that, in the face of service premiums, vacations, severance and interest on unemployment, there is express regulation that indicates the date of enforceability of such rights, during the term of the employment contract, therefore, if at the end of it, there are values that have not been paid, they must be recognized at the end of the contract as a final settlement of social benefits. It is important to bear in mind that the law requires the consignment of severance payments in a severance fund, so at the end of the contract a letter must be delivered to the worker so that he can withdraw them if he wishes.
Here in we leave you the Labor Calculator of the Ministry of Labor so you can determine how much your liquidation would be.
Remember that when leaving a job, the ideal is to leave the doors open, the contacts you made in the company, your colleagues, even your boss, left learning in your life and maybe in the future you can work with them again. Maintaining healthy relationships is health for your life, if you made mistakes in the company apologize, if you have constructive criticism comment them before leaving and above all thank for the opportunity.