Send me the resume by mail, I share it to see what I can do” is a phrase you should reconsider. There are common answers that do not help the job seeker. Phrases like “send me the resume just in case I know something” do not help the confidence of the candidate. Here the key is sincerity.
If you do not have how to help, it is necessary to say it in the best possible way. In addition, you must be cautious when committing to a recommendation, because these “are voluntary, when giving them, different areas are committed to the person requesting them, with the company that requires it and even those who carry them out,” explains Adriana Paola Acosta Díaz, partner consultant of BDO in Colombia.
In case you are sure that you cannot help this person, you can collaborate in this way:
- Motivation: Serve as a guide so that the mood to look for work does not end.
- Self: Ask about motivations, strengths and weaknesses in the work aspect.
- Resume: Modify the resume according to relevant work experiences and outstanding skills.
- Refer with a contact: Share a resume with a contact who can help you get a job.
- Use job boards and social media to support the job search.
In for example, in a practical way you can register your resume and start applying for vacancies.
“It is important that before recommending someone, you can help them identify in which aspects they should improve and how they should approach work, which will allow them to achieve better performance in a future position,”mentions Lina María Correa García, manager of ManpowerGroup Solutions.
“We must be very responsible when recommending a job and based on what are the professional aspirations, growth and environment that the candidate requires or expects, this in order to see how alienated he will be with the position and the company to which he aspires,” says Correa.
If you have the possibility of helping someone, you must make it clear to this person thatsuccess in the process will not depend on you, much less when there are bosses involved or a Human Resources department.
According to Correa, it is preferable “not to generate hiring expectations that will not exist; You simply commit to deliver the curriculum to the area that is responsible for filtering and analyzing whether or not there is a vacancy to link it in the selection process. “
If the recommended is a good professional and you can not provide an option at the moment, you can refer him to another contact who does have the possibility of helping him. “We must be certain that our word and veracity are at stake and that it can be decisive when changing the line of work and professional career of the person who requires it,” says Acosta.
If your boss or a member of Human Resources asks you for an appreciation of the person you referenced, so as not to affect any of those involved, “it is essential that you be careful and can issue a concept as grounded as possible to the situation,” concludes Elive Riveros Trujillo, director of People, Organization and Culture POC of HDI Seguros.
In case whoever asks you for a job does not have good work references or does not adapt to the profile that your company is looking for, it is preferable that you be honest with the possibilities that exist and, incidentally, avoid compromising your word.