What are the questions in which candidates fail the most for a job?

The process of employment of applicants for a specific position, in a company, can be directly affected by the answers given in the interview.

What are the questions in which candidates fail the most for a job

In the midst of the economic reactivation that has been occurring at the national level, many companies have opened calls for technical or executive positions and thus contribute to the decrease in unemployment figures. However, when receiving the call for an interview, the fear of answering correctly becomes the protagonist and sometimes nerves can play tricks.

In we spoke with Patricia García, organizational consultant, and she told us some of the most common shortcomings that candidates present when facing a job interview and answering the questions proposed by the employer.

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The issues on which candidates fail the most

“Among the questions in which people really present failures are those where they are asked about their strengths, since they do not offer added values and simply give minimum requirements of what one expects them to answer; For example, that they are fulfilled or responsible, which is good but other types of qualities are always expected.”

Likewise, Patricia affirms that when asking an applicant about the value that identifies him, “loyalty or austerity is never mentioned, which is something very important if we talk from an economic point of view. We could also mention the sense of commitment to the company, taking into account the objectives it has.”

Many times, when inquiring about factors that differentiate one candidate from another, “some people answer in a relaxed way, according to experience, but there is no interesting deepening in their abilities that allows you, as an employer, to make the best decision with respect to other applicants for a position.”

Talking about motivation in a job interview is something that also allows the employer to make a determination that adds value to the company. At this point García mentions that “the support in the academic and family part is valid to give an answer to this question, without exaggerating or inventing long-term goals that are not even planned.”

As an important aspect is the knowledge of the company to which you aspire to enter, since “not knowing where the resume is postulated, means that there is no work focus, which in the long run generates hesitation and digression in the answers, something that can be taken as lack of clarity in personal and professional objectives of the candidate. “

Returning to the point of strengths and questions that arise from this topic, “there are those who consider that because they have been in one or several companies for years, this guarantees them the experience requested in a vacancy, but today you have to know how to handle soft skills and not just processes. Attitudes and non-verbal language are taken into account when answering an interview.”

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In addition, a tip for aspirants is to try to avoid control questions to seek greater honesty; For example, when the interviewer, to know if there are any weaknesses, asks if you can call the previous boss or a contact who gives an unbiased answer.

Finally, Patricia mentions that another issue in which weak answers are usually given, is what concerns the salary. “The salary issue is very sensitive and is usually waited until the interview to talk about it, when many times it is requested to send salary aspiration via email or on the same resume. However, people estimate their remuneration based on their current or previous salary and the sector in which they work, which often causes discomfort in the interviewer and candidate, all because of misinformation. That is why we must inquire about the position and be proactive in order to reach an agreement that benefits both parties.”

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