Work if there is! More than 100 job vacancies open in Cueros Vélez

With the economic reactivation that has been occurring throughout the national territory, numerous companies have opened jobs and opportunities for profiles that contribute to the customer service sector or the operations of various areas within the companies.

Work if there is! More than 100 job vacancies open in Cueros Vélez

One of these companies isCueros Vélez, a company with extensive experience in the fashion and footwear sector, which opened a call for the end of the year season for different operating and clothing positions in the city ofMedellín.

There are more than one hundred vacancies available and then we tell you what are the available offers and how to apply your resume.

– Shipowner

– Cutter

– Garrison Assistant 

– Sewing 

– Saddler 

– Assembler (Heel – sides) 

– Sole gluer 

– Supernumerary 

If you are looking for a better option to work, do not forget to enter our portal.