The search for employment is an incessant task in which thousands of Colombians invest their time and, in our portal, you can find more than 30,000 vacancies in different sectors and places in Colombia. In addition, every Thursday we have a space through our social networks in which we reveal outstanding offers and do a live job search.
Something worth noting is that DANE recently announced that unemployment fell by 4.6 percentage points, standing at 10.6%. This reduction shows that with the economic reactivation it has improved compared to May 2021.
To reaffirm the aforementioned, we announce a call to work with Bancamía as a commercial advisor. The requirements are as follows:
– Have a minimum of six months of experience in external sales of tangible or intangible products.
– Technician, technologist, professionals or university students from the fifth semester onwards at a distance or virtual.
– Preferably have administrative, commercial, financial studies, rural or related careers.
Keep in mind that office hours are from Monday to Saturday. The salary is progressive plus legal benefits, benefit commissions and other benefits.