OB-GYN Job Responsibilities

OB-GYN Job Responsibilities


Carrying a child on the womb for nine months is really sacrificed for every mother. You cannot do those things that an ordinary woman can do due to big tummy that you are carrying. Because of this a help from a professional will help the mother to ensure the health of the baby. Together with this every women’s pregnant or not must take care herself.

OB-GYN Job Responsibilities

  • Making sure the baby and mother are healthy during delivery either cesarean section or normal delivery and free of any infections.
  • Treat sexually transmitted disease and researching its causes by giving health teachings.
  • Lectures or teaches women responsible family planning methods.
  • Educate women on pre-natal and post-natal care issues.
  • Obtain medical history of patients communicating recent activities, illnesses and drugs used to determine patients’ condition and properly give the right intervention.
  • Informing the mothers about normal and abnormal signs and symptoms in pregnancy so they can report immediately untoward signs in pregnancy.
  • Referring the mother and the child for any unnecessary illness that is not under the professions expertise.
  • Giving health teachings to mother after giving birth so she can be more independent in proper caring of herself as well of her newborn.

Category: Health Care Job Responsibilities