CNC Machinist Job Responsibilities
CNC Machinist Job Responsibilities include working on the CNC Machine. He/She is required to study the work orders and plan the machining work accordingly. It is essential to undergo training program designed to teach how to operate the Computer Numerical Control machine if you are aiming to get into this position.
CNC Machinist Job Responsibilities
- CNC Machinist is required to go through the work orders received from different clients and plan the work accordingly.
- CNC Machinist needs to study the blueprint shared by the client to get an idea about the client’s requirement.
- CNC Machinist is required to check the material to be used and other specifications.
- CNC Machinist needs to plan the stock inventory by having a look at the stock to know the available amount.
- CNC Machinist is required enter the instructions to program the mills.
- CNC Machinist needs to lift the stock and place it appropriately to feed mechanism.
- CNC Machinist is required to check the positions and approve the settings made.
- CNC Machinist is required to maintain the CNC machine.
- CNC Machinist needs to troubleshoot any problem arising in the CNC machine. He is required to do the repair work for the machine, if required.
- CNC Machinist needs to detect any malfunction in the machine and work upon rectifying it.
- CNC Machinist is required to take all safety measures while operating the machines to avoid any accident.
- CNC Machinist is required to maintain various other equipments used while working on the work orders.
- CNC Machinist needs to deliver quality work.
Category: Manufacturing Job Responsibilities