Magazine Editor Job Responsibilities

Magazine Editor Job Responsibilities

A magazine editor is the person on whom the success of a magazine may depend. He has to survey all the areas while publishing the magazine and make sure that the content in the magazine is in accordance with the interest of their targeted readers. In a single magazine, there can be a lot of editors working on different posts, such as assistant editors, editor in chief or an executive editor. Important educational qualification for a magazine editor is graduation in English or a degree in journalism, a master’s degree is beneficial in getting the job. An editor must have a good command in English and must be aware of grammatical errors in general. Various responsibilities performed by a magazine editor is given below.

Magazine Editor Job Responsibilities:

  • A magazine editor reviews the articles made by writers and free lance workers. They select the good articles and make necessary changes in them.
  • Magazine editor checks the length of the article and make sure that it is in accordance with the requirement of the magazine.
  • A magazine editor needs to keep a check on the art work of the magazine, that is the layout of a page, colors used in making the page, whether it is attractive or not.
  • Further a magazine editor may select the pictures which are to be put in a magazine, for doing all this work the editors have assistant who do further research in the given matter.
  • Some technical work is also required from the chief editor of a magazine; they make sure that the company’s editorial policy is being carried out.
  • After the magazine editor has reviewed all the aspects of the magazine such a graphic details, designing, articles headlines, etc. he sends it to the copy editor who further reviews it.

Category: Media Job Responsibilities