Law Student Job Responsibilities
A person who is studying law or is a student of law studies is known as a law student. Any law student needs to have certain skills or interests which are required to study a subject such as law. Apart from studies, a law student is responsible towards many other tasks or attributes as well during the college years. The following is a list of the job responsibilities of a law student.
Law Student Job Responsibilities:
- A law student is required to study all the subjects offered in the law course with full dedication and understanding.
- A law student is required to be present in all classes and maintain a certain level of attendance during college.
- A law student is also responsible for selecting certain optional subjects during the law studies as per his/her interests and skills.
- A law student is responsible for keeping the law school premises neat and clean.
- A law student is responsible for respecting law in general, for respecting the teachers and other college staff members and obeying their orders.
- Any law student is responsible for maintaining discipline during the classes as well as in the college compound so that none of the other ongoing classes are disturbed.
- A law student is responsible for presenting projects and presentations as per the regulations of the teachers or the subject whose project or presentation is being presented.
- A law student is responsible for the marks he/she scores or obtains in the examinations or tests.
Category: Student Job Responsibilities