Hotel Driver Job Responsibilities
A hotel driver is the individual who is employed by hotels or similar organizations to serve as a driver for the guests/ customers of the hotel. Such drivers have a number of responsibilities towards the hotel authorities and thus towards the guests at the hotel. Though these responsibilities are mostly common such as taking the guests from one place to another etc., a few may vary as per the policies of the respective hotel. Provided below is a list of sample hotel driver job responsibilities which lay down a few common ones.
Sample Hotel Driver Job Responsibilities
- It is the responsibility of a hotel driver to keep a tab on the vehicle and report to the respective hotel authority in case of maintenance or repair need.
- It is the responsibility of a hotel driver to keep a record of all the incidents while driving for example any accidents or tickets. He is also responsible to report to his/ her superior regarding all such incidents.
- It is the responsibility of a hotel driver to meet all the comfort requirements of the hotel guests and customer.
- It is the responsibility of a hotel driver to ensure safe and easy travel for the customers/ guests to their destinations or to the hotel.
- It is the responsibility of a hotel driver to assist the guests in any travel or destination regarding issues by applying his/ her knowledge of the local area.
- It is the responsibility of a hotel driver to file the record of the timings for which the vehicle was used and the purpose to his/ her superior.
- It is the responsibility of a hotel driver to comply with all the traffic/ road rules and regulation of the state while also following the policies of the hotel authorities.
Category: Transportation Job Responsibilities