The National Civil Service Commission opened a call for employment for those interested in working at the Agustín Codazzi Geological Institute. The total number of vacancies is 496, 348 open contests, and 148 are part of the promotion contest.
The selection process seeks to provide jobs at the professional, technical and healthcare levels. Within the professional profile there are 208 vacancies, at the technical level 72, while for the care level there are 216.
Similarly, within the established dates, interested persons may enter the page of the National Civil Service Commission and keep in mind the following stages:
– Announcement and dissemination.
– Acquisition of Participation and Registration Rights for the Selection Process in the Promotion modality.
– Declaration of empty vacancies in the Selection Process in the Promotion modality.
– Adjustment by OPEC of the Selection Process in the Open modality, to include the vacancies declared deserted in the Selection Process in the Promotion modality.
– Acquisition of Participation and Registration Rights for the Selection Process in the Open mode.
A fact that applicants must take into account is that only one (1) job can be registered for the call and the different stages will be subject to the principles of merit, free competition and equality.
Soon on the pages of the CNSC and the IGAC, the requirements and times to be able to fulfill the stages in the selection process will be announced.