Assistant Photographer Job Responsibilities
Assistant Photographer Responsibilities
The main duty of an assistant photographer varies considerably and mainly depends upon a photographer. Assistant photographer would be responsible for maintenance and cleaning of photographic equipments, testing lights and setting them up for photo shoots, co-ordination with involved professionals and model for a commercial photo shoot, loading the film cameras, shooting as backup photographer and editing the digital images.
Assistant Photographer Job Responsibilities
– Negotiating with clients and discussing about their photographic requirements.
– Seeking out an appropriate photographic opportunity or subjects.
– Carrying out the research and preparations necessary for a photo shoot.
– Working in different sites under different circumstances to get right kind of image.
– Using wide range of photographic equipments like camera, lens, lights and editing software.
– Maintaining good communication with clients and offer solution for their queries.
– Arranging the still objects, scenes, back grounds, props and products for a photo shoot.
– Liaising with writers, designers, managers, art directors and other involved professionals.
– Managing the processing of image, discuss technical problems, checking for image quality and deal with customer’s concerns.
– Preparing proofs for project approval.
– Compiling the finished products that are ready for sale like framed prints and albums.
– Managing the various aspects of business like administration, scheduling photo shoots and accounting.
Category: Imaging Job Responsibilities